Bath to London 1717
Ralph Allen
Addressed to Richard Arundel Esqr, at his House in St James’s Square London
There does not appear to be any Bath postal markings on the Entire Letter other than a manuscript 4 indicating a charge of 4d. to be levied on delivery, but on the reverse there is a Bishop mark dated 20 / NO.
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Bath Nov ye 18th 1717. M(argaret). Jernegan – to Rich Arundell Esqre Give me leave Dear Cozen to return my humble thanks for the favour of your obliging letter and most generous prefent, which isso very kind and good natur’d in you, that I want words to exprefs how much I am obliged to you for your compafsion, and the enduring proofs you give me of your friendship. I will endeavour all I can to follow your advice in being cherfull, Sr David has likewise told me how great an enemy malencholy is to my health, but since I find so much amendment I am in better hart, hopeing time, and patience will perfect the cure. I am most mightily confern’d that your Lady is so ill of the Cholick will you give me leave to send her up some Bath Watters, they gave great relief for that complaint to Jacky Eyre at this distance last Spring. I fancy my Brother keeps him...
still in the Country, at least I have not her’d that he is come to Town, but I will be sure when I writ to him to desire he’le the Settlement to you to peruse: Mr Nash is still in the Sudds but in a fair way of recovery, so if you please to writ a line or two , to him Mr Jernegan will not fail to prefs him to the payment of your Debt and if he’s so fortunate to make Nash comply, Mr Jernegan will immediately return you the money to Town either to Hary Jer: or whoever you command; Sr John Shelly is very lucky at play, tho’ he is ply’d close by the sharpers, he has hither too made his party good, he comes hither for a surfeit, and I hear intends a long stay, but takes no notice of any that are what he was. Poor Mrs Jennens is mightily out of order and I fancy won’t live long, I know of nothing more at prefent to acquaint you with, but that I am allways Dear Cozen Yr most Obliged and obedient Servt. M. Jernegan Mr Jernegan sends you his most Humble service and we both beg our compliments to my Cozen Arundels and Cozen Bellings I am most mightily confern’d that your Lady is so ill of the Cholick will you give me leave to send her up some Bath Watters, they gave great relief for that complaint to Jacky Eyre at this distance last Spring. I fancy my Brother keeps him